SEO, Why-SEO-is-important-for-business-Chitrakaar-Designs

Why SEO is important for business?

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SEO is Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a process which involves the improvement of website traffic from search engine. In simple terms, it means to rank your website and increase it’s visibility to the user when any related search is done. It involves the usage of a particular word which repeats several times in the content of the website so that it could be visible to the user whenever a search is done related to that specific keyword. When the user searches for a keyword, by the use of SEO search engine will display those high ranked websites having that keyword. SEO mainly targets unpaid traffic. Unpaid traffic comes when the user searches for specific news, academic searches, any image searches and video searches. SEO also helps a website to gain more viewers from a search engine and hence high rank. These viewers can later be converted into customers. The logic is very simple, higher the clicks your website receives higher will be your rank in the search engine and it will generate high traffic. It increases the experience of the user and the efficiency of the website. SEO is also cost-effective. It increases the awareness of the brand, it helps to know what type of searches is being done on search engines, what are the more likely answers to the questions of the users, what type of keyword they are using and what type of content they are interested in. It helps to know more about the users across the globe, that is what type of audience exist in this world and knowing your audience helps a website to modify its content. The most important thing is to know your audience so that using search engine optimization, a website could provide them with relevant information. SEO has two main targets. First, to know the users and their intent which means what are they interested in and what are they searching on the search engines. Second, to make a website this gets a high rank and more visibility.

Now if we talk about business, SEO is very important for the success of any online business. In today’s market where competition is very high, search engine optimization is very important. Many users across the globe use search engines to solve their problems. Many students tend to study online and many through online marketing websites which are being searched via the search engine. Hence, the search engine provides millions of users per day who search for their problems. Search engine optimization is important because a majority of the users visit the websites which are visible in the top five list, so you have to make the website relevant so that it can appear in the top five positions. The beginners who search for any problem will trust search engine and visit the websites which are on the top five ranks so this could be the advantage of using search engine optimization. In other words, it increases a website’s trust. Another aspect of search engine optimization is that it helps you to better understand your customers because when a user performs a search operation, the results of the SEO efforts allows you to understand the demand of your user. This helps you to analyse your work and adopt a better strategy.

Search engine optimization helps in promoting a website socially. If the user searches for content and if he comes across to a website he is more likely to promote it on social media platforms like FacebookTwitterInstagram and many other channels. Big websites with more two authors can be benefitted by SEO in both direct and indirect ways. It can increase organic traffic for a website and indirectly you can have a common framework to use before publishing the content. If you want to be ahead of the competition, SEO is a great option. If the two are selling the same thing, a website which is search optimized will have more visibility on the search engine and hence will have more customers and visitors. It is one or the other way increasing your rank and if the visitor is satisfied, he is likely to promote it on social media channels. Optimizing your website gives it a high rank or a position close to top search results as compared to non-optimized websites. Hence, search engine optimization is an important tool in digital marketing. SEO even has a new concept of authority as it is becoming important for web users. Authority here means that the website should provide promising results to the user. If this is fulfilled, a website would become more trustworthy and visited the website and higher will be the rank of your website. Search engine optimization provides credibility. If you are higher in ranking in organic search results, you will be able to establish brand credibility in the eyes of your potential users.
Now if we talk about the international market, Google is one of the most used search engines almost everywhere. So optimizing your website will not only give you national benefits but also international benefits.

So if your online presence is not effective you will be at losing and will tend to lose your potential customers which will highly affect your ranking in the search results.

In the end, the most important reason why search engine optimization is necessary is that it helps you to achieve business goals. It helps you to build a strong relationship between you and the users, gives you the authority, increases visibility, gives you an edge over the competition and increases your sales which means more loyal customers and hence more growth.

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